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color reflection card

Inner Color Reflector Cards

2024 color reflection card with shadow added on the box cover.png
Add shadow to the lower box.png

Understand the language of color and open up a new way of exploring life.

Color people.png

​Color reflects reality

We are surrounded by color, from the weather, home environment, food to the clothes we wear, every day of our lives is closely related to color.


Do you have a preferred color?

These unconscious choices reflect your inner reality.


When you find that your favorite color has changed one day, it may be that your life is also undergoing a change. This is an interesting self-observation.

​Revision features

The card box uses transparent laser and hot stamping, which is exquisite and textured.

​The overall fog film is waterproof and dirt-resistant.


White and coral color scheme

White symbolizes the collection of seven-colored light and has a profound understanding of "suffering".

Coral color has the qualities of delicacy, mutuality and peace.


Basic color card x68

Random special color card (choose one from gold, silver, reflected color) x 1

Instruction Manual X1

Card box X1

2024 color reflection card with shadow added on the box cover.png



​Intuitive interpretation

You can freely feel the inner message to you from the images, guides, color scale positions, and keywords on the card.

Card diagram without background.png



color scale position

back of card

​Color control must not be missed

There are 68 cards in total, including 17 main colors.


Each main color has 4 brightnesses. Although different brightnesses have similar themes, they have different energy qualities.

Card color solid color block R.png
Card (for pre-order-18r plus shadow.png
Card (for pre-order-17.png

​Instruction Manual

Provides practical interpretation content: "Message and Guidance", "Behavior Adjustment", and "Suffering Area" provide three interpretation methods to facilitate your self-awareness and implement the meaning of colors into your life.

Card (for pre-order-06.png
Card (for pre-order-10.png)



Blessings from the universe

Each deck of cards comes with a random special color card:

Reflected color, gold, silver

You can see which one you draw!


When you use it, you will draw a special color card, which means that the universe is sending you strong support and blessings at this moment. You don’t need to worry too much about the future, just focus on living your life.


Color reflected in the draw: Flexible and able to accommodate changes in life

Winning Gold: Possessing the Light of Inner Wisdom and Confidence

Winning Silver: Possessing the power of inspiration and innovation 

Hot foil card without background.png

Usage scenarios


​Use cards to establish a connection with your subconscious mind, help you explore your own feelings, and obtain inner guidance to achieve self-healing when you feel confused or hesitant.

communication and expression

Communicate with others through cards, express difficult-to-explain feelings, help each other live out their own lives, and accept each other's perspectives on the world.

Activity guidance

​Suitable for combination with various cards or group activities. Different themes have different uses, including activities such as icebreaking, grouping, and sharing.



Hsiao Yu Shu / picture and text author

An artist, he likes to study the relationship between color and psychology, and understands himself through artistic creation.He has been creating sacred geometric works of the Flower of Life and Mandalas for many years, and through the "Flower of Life Painting Meditation" creative course, he leads students to return to their inner self and see themselves at the moment.He has collaborated with singers Tanya Chua and Ruyun Hsu, and served as an illustrator for the book "Illustrating Humanity".


Publications: Color Reflection Card, Flower of Life Blessing Card


Xiao Peihua hua  / Designer

Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of National Taiwan Normal University, worked in fashion design and fashion trend planning, and is now an art design creator. He is fascinated by fashion and art. He is often inspired by fashion photography, movies and life. He likes to use rich and vivid colors to characterize his images.



​Discount description

On sale in stock, Black Cat home delivery shipping fee is 130 yuan.

​ (Currently no supermarket shipping is provided)

Anchor 1


​When can I receive the goods?

​Sold from stock, it is expected to be shipped within 14 days after placing the order.

After shipping, it takes about three working days in Taiwan and about a month in overseas areas due to the impact of the epidemic.

How to change the shipping address?

Please write to, please give us your filled in recipient name or order number, and the address you want to change to. We will correct it as soon as possible.

​What should I do if the product is defective?

There is a return and exchange service in Taiwan. Please send a private message to our fan page with photos or videos showing clear defects, or send an email to and we will reply as soon as possible. Thank you.

How do overseas partners purchase it?

Please write to to inform us of your needs, including order quantity, recipient name, phone number, and country, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Return and exchange rules



  1. 猶豫期並非試用期,退回的商品必須是全新狀態、且還原完整包裝,請勿缺漏任何配件、勿自行拆解檢查商品或損毀。

  2. 原廠外盒及原廠包裝都屬於商品的一部分,遺失、毀損或缺件,除上述不得退貨規定外,可能影響您退貨的權益,也將依照損毀程度扣除為復原所需之整新費用。

  3. 商品經拆封、使用、以致缺乏完整性即失去再次販售價值,恕無法辦理退換貨。

  4. 所售商品均為全新品,為保護消費者利益,若退回的商品及配件、貨牌、銷售單據、贈品、包裝等有缺失情況,或出現其他影響二次銷售的情況,恕不接受退換貨。

  5. 一般商品逾7日猶豫期若非品質/瑕疵問題而要求退換貨,我們將不承擔運費。

  6. 印刷品若出現些微色斑、印刷不均的現象為正常現象,非瑕疵品,若有疑慮,請拍照+文字說明來信給客服人員。

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